

The sermons below follow the readings – the lectionary – for the church year. We have a three year cycle and these are sermons for Year A. If you’re interested in finding out which sermon goes with a certain date, you will find that information in The Revised Common Lectionary.

Year A Advent 1 “Active Waiting in the Kingdom” Matthew 24:36-44
Year A Advent 2 “Let Us Not Forget What God Feels Like” Matthew 3:2-12
Year A Advent 3 “Look Around” Matthew 11:2-11
Year A Advent 4 “Trust Means Change…Are You Willing?”
Year A Christmas “It Was a Daring Plan” Luke 2:1-20
Year A The Naming of Jesus “Power in the Name” Luke 2:15-21
Year A Baptism of the Lord “Baptism Will Cost You Everything” Matthew 3:13-17
Year A The Second Sunday after the Epiphany “Come and See” John 1:29-42
Year A 3rd Sunday after the Epiphany “Being the Light of Christ” Matthew 4:12-23
Year A 4th Sunday after the Epiphany “Blessed are those…How are we Blessed?” Matthew 5:1-12
Year A Epiphany 5 “Mending the World as Salt and Light” Matthew 5 13-20
Year A Sixth Sunday after the Epiphany “Compassion in Community” Matthew 5:21-37
Year A Transfiguration Sunday “Hope…Until Christ Comes Again” Matthew 17:1-9
Year A Ash Wednesday Reflection
Year A 1st Sunday in Lent “Leading by Example” Matthew 4:1-11
Year A 2nd Sunday in Lent “God So Loves the World” John 3:1-17
Year A 3rd Sunday in Lent “The Well That Never Runs Dry” John 4:5-42
Year A 4th Sunday in Lent “I See, Said the Blind Man” John 9:1-41
Fifth Sunday in Lent “Resurrection and Life” John 11:1-45

Year A The Sunday of the Passion: Palm Sunday “Where is Our Hope?” Matthew 26:14-27:66

Above: Maundy Thursday The Footwashing in John “Love and Humiliation Work Together”

Above: Year A Easter “Running the Hallway of Hope” Matthew 28:1-10

Above: Year A Easter 2 “Peace Be With You” John 20:19-31

Above: Year A Easter 3 “And Their Eyes Were Opened” Luke 24:13-35

Above: Year A Easter 4 “Live Life Abundantly” John 10:1-10

Above: Year A Easter 5 “The Heart of God” John 14:1-14

Above: Year A Easter 6 “If you love me” John 14:15-21

Above: Year A Easter 7 “Unfinished Business” John 17:1-11
Above: Year A Pentecost “Set Free From Unbelief” John 20:19-23
Year A Trinity Sunday “Let Your Heart Take You to Galilee” Matthew 28:16-20
Year A 2nd Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 10) “Follow Me. Yes or No” Matt.9:9-13, 18-26

The Rev. Dr. D. Jay Koyle reflecting on the hospitality of Abraham to strangers.
Year A Proper 11 “The Harvest is Plentiful” Matthew 9:35-10:10
Year A Proper 12 “Don’t Be Afraid. Drink Up” Matthew 10:24-39
Year A Proper 13 “Gathering In Not Handing Out” Matthew 10:40-42
Year A Proper 14 “Dancing to Jesus’ Flute” Matthew 11:16-19, 25-30
Year A Proper 15 “God the Crazy Farmer” Matt.13:1-9, 18-23
Year A Proper 16 “Life is Complicated” Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43
Year A Proper 17 (2023) “Light the Dynamite!” Matt.13:31-33, 44-52
Sermon on Matt.13:31-33, 44-52 (Yr.A Proper 17; 2020): The Kingdom of God is Like What?

Sermon on Matthew 14:13-21 “You Feed Them – Where God is There is Plenty” (Yr. A Proper 18)
Transfiguration of the Lord “Listen to him!” Luke 9:28-36
Year A Proper 19 “Walking on Water Leads to…Sinking!” Matt.14:22-33
Year A Proper 20 “Seeing the Tree” Matthew 15:10-28
Year A Proper 21 “Who Are You, Really?” Matt.16:13-20
Year A Proper 22 “Pinpricks of Fulness” Matthew 16:21-28

Year A Proper 22 A Sermon on Matt.16:21-28 “Get Behind Me, Satan!”
Year A Proper 23 “Reconciling All Things in Christ” Matthew 18:15-20
Year Proper 24 “Thick With Love” Romans 14:1-12
Year A Proper 24 Forgiveness is Not Easy (a sermon on Matthew 18:21-35)
Year A Proper 25 Matthew 20:1-16 “Hey – That’s Not Fair!”
Year A Proper 25 “Late to the Party” Matthew 20:1-16
Year A Proper 26 Saying Yes to Jesus Doesn’t Always Lead to Salvation (Matt.21:23-32)
Year A Proper 26 “The Proof is in the Pudding” Matt.21:23-32
Year A Proper 27 (2023) “Bearing Fruit Together” Matt.21:33-46
Year A Proper 27 Tenants Producing Fruit (Matt.21:33-46)
Year A Proper 28 “You are invited…Will You Come?” Matthew 22:1-14
Year A Proper 29 Give to the emperor what belongs to the emperor (Matt.22:15-22)
Year A Proper 29 “God or Caesar?” Matt.22:15-22 (2023)
Year A Proper 30 “Jesus’ Riddle for Us” : a sermon on Matthew 22:34-46
Year A Proper 30 “The Love That IS Commanded” Matt.22:34-46
Year A All Saints’ Day Being the Blessed in God’s Kingdom Matthew 5:1-12
Year A Proper 31 “Do What They Say, Not What They Do” Matt.23:1-12
Year A Proper 32 Fuel Up and Get Ready; a sermon on Matt.25:1-13
Year A Proper 32 (2023) “Waiting in Readiness” Matthew 25:1-13
Year A Proper 33 (2023) Well done, good and trustworthy servant!” Matt.25:14-30
Year A Proper 33 Well Done, Good and Faithful Servant Matthew 25:14-30
Year A Proper 34 Sheep, Goats, and Doors Matthew 25:31-46
Reign of Christ 2023 “Christ is Waiting” Matthew 25:31-46

2 Replies to “Audio”

  1. We all have a lot of weeds in our everyday life
    As old as I am I still have not got rid of them and I try to live a good life but there is so many weeds and most of them is what I say without thinking

    1. Hi Paula – you’re not alone…many can relate to the ongoing job of weeding. 🙂 Thankfully, God forgives us our weeds when we turn to him and sees our glorious flowers instead.

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