Audio Year C

Here is the newest sermon. It is a sermon for the 24th Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 34) – The Reign of Christ. Why are we hearing about Jesus being killed on the cross today when today we are proclaiming him as King of all things? It seems an odd Gospel reading for today…but is it? Have a listen…

Year C Proper 34 The Reign of Christ “Your Majesty, I Choose You” Luke 23:33-43

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Below you will find the rest of the sermons for Year C of the Anglican liturgical calendar. If you’d like to know what date corresponds to a sermon, check out this link:

Year C Advent 1 “Stand Up Tall and Raise Your Head” Luke 21:25-36
Year C Advent 2 “The Great Leveling” Luke 3:1-6
Year C Advent 3 “Our Chaff Will Be Burnt” Luke 3:7-18
Year C Advent 4 “Straddling Two Worlds” Luke 1:39-55
Christmas “The Light of Christ” John 1:1-14
Year C Christmas 1 “You Know Where I Am” Luke 2:41-52
Year C Epiphany “Kneeling on the Dirt Floor” Matthew 2:1-12
Year C “Saved Through the Baptism of the Lord” Luke 3:15-22
Year C 2nd Sunday after the Epiphany “Clay Jars Revealing God’s Glory” John 2:1-11
Year C Epiphany 3 “Today This Scripture Has Been Fulfilled in Your Hearing” Luke 4:14-21
Year C Epiphany 4 “Lest He Pass Through Our Midst” Luke 4:21-30
Year C Epiphany 5 “Cast Our Nets Into Deep Water” Luke 5:1-11 (Is.6:1-8)
Year C Epiphany 6 “The Tilted Angels” Luke 6:17-26
Year C Epiphany 7 “Put God’s Love on Display” Luke 6:27-38
Year C Transfiguration Sunday: Last after the Epiphany “A Joyful Lent?” Luke 9:28-43a
Year C First Sunday in Lent “Choose Your Story” Luke 4:1-13
Year C Lent 2 “I Like Your Christ…” Luke 13:31-35
Year C Lent 3 “If you think you are standing, watch out that you do not fall” Luke 13:1-9
Year C Lent 4 “The Compassionate Father of the Prodigal Son” Luke 15:1-3, 11b-32
Year C Lent 5 “Perfection and Brokenness Together” John 12:1-8
Year C Sunday of the Passion Luke 22:14 – Luke 23:56
Maundy Thursday Reflection John 13:1-17, 31b-35
Good Friday Reflection on the Cross by The Ven. Dr. Jay Koyle
Year C Easter in the Morning “Let’s Be Amazed!” Luke 24:1-12
Year C Easter 2 “Peace Be With You” John 20:19-31
Year C Easter 3 “Do You Love Me?” John 21:1-19
Year C Easter 4 “My Sheep Hear My Voice” John 10:22-30
Year C Easter 5 “Love and the Holy Spirit” John 13:31-35
Year C Easter 6 “God’s Love, God’s Peace…and God’s Violin?” John 14:23-29
Year C Easter 7 “Jesus’ Prayer for Us” John 17:20-26
Year C Pentecost “Show Us the Father” John 14:8-17, 25-27
Year C Trinity Sunday “Let Us Hear, Trust, Act” John 16:12-15
Year C Proper 12 “Banging on the Gates of Hades” Luke 8:26-39
Year C Proper 13 “Resolutely Set Your Face to Jerusalem” Luke 9:52-61
Year C Proper 14 “The Labourers are Few” Luke 10:1-11, 16-20
Year C Proper 15 “The Good Samaritan: More Than Just a Nice Guy” Luke 10:25-37
Year C Proper 16 “Martha & Mary” Luke 10:38-42
Year C Proper 17 “To What Sort of God Do We Pray?” Luke 11:1-13
Year C Proper 18 “Let Us Show Them How Rich We Are” Luke 12:13-21
Year C Proper 19 “It is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom” Luke 12:32-40
Year C Proper 20 “Kindle Our Fire” Luke 12:49-56
Year C Proper 21 “Straighten Up and Rejoice!” Luke 13:10-17
Year C Proper 22 “The Banquet of God’ Luke 14:1, 7-14
Year C Proper 23 “Struggle Against, Hope For” Luke 14:25-33
Year C Proper 24 “Get the Party Started” Luke 15:1-10
Year C Proper 25 “Be Like the Dishonest Manager?” Luke 16:1-13
Year C Proper 26 “Life with or Without God – Your Choice” Luke 16:19-31
Year C Proper 27 “Increase Our Faith!” Luke 17:5-10
Year C Proper 28 (Harvest Thanksgiving) “Your Faith Has Made You Whole” Luke 17:11-19
Year C Proper 29 “Prayer Doesn’t Change God; Prayer Changes Us” Luke 18:1-8
Year C Proper 30 “There By the Grace of God…” Luke 18:9-14
Year C Proper 31 “Up in the Tree or Down on the Ground” Luke 19:1-10
Year C Proper 32 “Shake Some Trees” Luke 20:27-38
Year C Proper 33 “These Stones Will All Be Thrown Down” Luke 21:5-19

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