Prayer Services and Meditations

In addition to our regular Sunday worship, I enjoy leading prayer services based on Holden Prayers Around the Cross. These services are done by candlelight with quiet music, prayers, and times of silence. Below is an example, recorded at home during the pandemic. Hit “Play” on both the video and the audio files to run both at the same time. Be sure to scroll down the page for more services.


Below: Evening Prayer (Peace): Pentecost Ember Day Year 2 Ember days in the early church were celebrated at the turns of the seasons. The Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday of the week following certain Sundays were set aside for intentional deep prayer. This practice fell by the wayside and the Ember Days were mainly used to pray for people heading towards becoming ordained clergy (priests or deacons). The church is reclaiming the Ember Days as days of deep prayer for peace, unity, and mission.

Below: Evening Prayer (unity) Pentecost Ember Day Year 2. The word “ubuntu” in the image is a word known in the west mainly through the work of Nelson Mandela and Archbishop Desmond Tutu. Ubuntu is difficult to translate into English but one sense of the word is like “soul force” – a metaphysical connection shared with others that prods us to do selfless acts. Such an intimate connection is one believers in God, through Christ, strive for.

Below: Evening Prayer (Mission): Pentecost Ember Day Yr 2

Jesus sends us out into the world to make disciples of all nations. Why? To reconcile all of creation – bring all of creation into relationship – with the God who is love.

Below is a Guided Meditation for Psalm 23

We are in the presence of God. May this calm anxiety and bring you rest.

Below you will find a Guided Meditation on the Peace of Christ.

The peace of Christ is not the peace of the world…it is the peace of perfect love given to us by God.

Below is a Guided Meditation on the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit…the breath of God…gives us life, renews us, draws us closer to God through Christ.

Below you will find a service known as “Compline”. This one is for Sundays. It is meant to be prayed before going to bed – in other words, it’s like your ‘bedtime prayers’. There is an accompanying PDF for the service so that you can follow along and join in if you want.

Compline (Night Prayers) for Sundays

Below is An Order of Compline for Tuesdays. Below that, you will find the accompanying PDF so that you can follow along if you’d like.

Below is an Order for Compline for Fridays. You will find the PDF below the service so that you can follow along if you’d like.

Compline (Night Prayers) for Fridays

Here is service, commonly called a “Blue Christmas” prayer service for those who struggle during a season when the world around seems to be filled with joy not shared in their own lives:

This service usually takes place on, or near, the longest night of the year – December 21st. But, you can view this service anytime you feel the need.

2 Replies to “Prayer Services and Meditations”

  1. Susan, Jay & Family
    Thank you for caring, I have always liked and used the Service of Compline from the BCP; it is always a positive in my life. When things felt so dire in my life I have knelt down and meditated with this form of service late at night it made for a peaceful rest and confidence that there was and is light at the end of a dark tunnel and hope was alive and bountiful in God’s grace.

  2. Charlie, I’m so very glad this service could help you in your journey in God’s love and grace. It sounds like you have a powerful hope in God’s salvation through Christ.

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