Pain & Suffering

If there is a good God then why is there suffering in the world? We live in a broken world full of broken people and broken systems. We are heading toward perfection though – that has always been God’s purpose, right from the beginning. Why doesn’t God just fix everything now? Living in a perfect world means living in love and equality – loving God, loving each other, loving the world and, of course, the caring actions that go along with that love. Love is a choice or it is not love. We must choose to be drawn into the perfection that is God’s plan for us and for the world.

Here is Dr. Andy Bannister, a Christian, debating suffering with Peter Singer, a philosopher.

Here is a fun, cartoon look at why God allows suffering. By the way, I think the word “allows” is part of the problem. It automatically makes God seem bad. God is working at fixing things – moving all things toward perfection (love) – and we must choose to be part of the “fixing”…anyway, check this out.

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