Archbishop Anne’s Pastoral Letter to the Churches in the Diocese of Algoma Regarding Same-Sex Marriages in Our Churches

In this thoughtful and prayerful letter, Archbishop Anne outlines her decision to allow same-sex marriages in our churches. This was a decision made after a year of thinking of listening to input from people all across the dioceses. Perhaps it surprised some people when the vast majority at last year’s diocesan synod were not opposed to same-sex marriage. The decision, though, to allow these marriages in our churches will be painful to some. Please join me in praying for healing, for understanding, and for reconciliation. I strongly believe that division in the Church opposes God’s purpose. We do not need to believe exactly the same things in order to be the church together but, we do need to love to be the Church. I pray that we will all be consumed by God’s love so that we may be transformed into God’s love for all others.