
Below is a brief audio introduction to the website and to our beliefs for you to listen to or you can read about it for yourself below the audio strip. (P.S: You can help us do the work of God in the world by donating here: https://www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/anglican-parish-of-st-joseph-st-george/)

Intro to the site plus what we believe as Christians

I hope you enjoy browsing our website. There are plenty of opportunities on this website for you to contact us with questions or suggestions for improvement so please feel free. Happy exploring…

But wait…before you go anywhere…you should know what we believe. Imagine a perfect world – no crime, no oppression, no injustice, no violence, no pollution – a world where there is no more sorrow and everyone lives in peaceful equality. Sound too good to be possible? Not when it’s God’s purpose and Jesus died to make it possible. Jesus stood against the corrupted powers of this world and defeated them by not playing their game. Jesus loved to the end and was raised from the dead and now will never be ruled by death.

The incredibly good news is that people who believe in the faith and righteousness of Jesus Christ are “clothed in Christ.” Jesus’ death and new life lets us live in relationship with God again. We worship God in community – a taste of the perfect world, in perfect relationship with God and with each other that we know is to come. When we reach out to others with the hands of Christ, we are bringing a taste of that perfection to them, welcoming them into relationship with God.

The first step to becoming a Christian is to hear our story. You can hear the story of Jesus and his good news by watching the fun videos at the Bible Project website here: https://bibleproject.com/explore/ Scroll down to the “New Testament” videos. (P.S. Even if you are already a Christian, these videos are awesome and worth watching!)

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Reaching Out…

Our parish strongly believes in not only talking the talk but walking the walk of the life of a Christian. We raise money for various worthy causes throughout each year and have quite a number of ongoing “Reaching Out” sort of ministries. I hope you’ll read more about this by clicking on the pages below.

Also, if you like gift cards – using them or buying them for friends and loved ones – you can help us help others by buying your gift cards here (we get a percentage): https://www.fundscrip.com/support-a-group Our invitation code is MG6MDF (It’ll say Parish of Holy Trinity & St. George). Thanks!

Sermons and Reflections Year A

My hope is that you will find something in my sermons and reflections that will get you thinking…cause you to wonder…ask questions…and help you to build or strengthen your relationship with God. There are even some sermons by “guest preachers”. You can listen to the audio recordings or read the PDFs. If you want, you can use the contact box (below) to ask a question or leave a comment. There is also a comment section on the “PDF” and “Audio” pages if you would prefer to do it that way.

News and Other Thoughts


St. George: 159 Church St., Echo Bay, Ontario. We’re on the map :-)

Holy Trinity: 580 M & N Line Road, Jocelyn Township, St. Joseph Island, Ontario. Here’s a Map for you.

We have a Youtube Channel too!

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